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Messy Play
Introducing Messy Play & Material Engagement
If you've read my latest book - Messy Play in the Early Years - Learning Through Material Engagements then you're probably keen to put some of mine and your own messy play ideas into practice! And if you haven't laid your hands on this highly acclaimed read then you're in the right place to order your very own (and optionally signed) copy! Getting prepared with the right containers and tools is a key factor in achieving Messy Play success. This one-stop shop of messy play resources includes some everyday essential materials and resources as well as some unusual offerings which should help elevate and inspire your quest for introducing messy, pay and learning opportunities.
Messy Play Materials (see also Treasure Trove)
An obvious starting point is thinking about the types of messy play materials to offer. When we think of messy materials we tend to instantly picture really messy materials like gloop and Gelli Baff/Gelli Play. In fact this is only the tip of the iceberg, as Messy play in the Early Years explores, there is a continuum of responses form wet and sticky to dry, and picking which resources you start with can be key to success!
Messy Play Resources
As important as the materials themselves this includes resources for minimising mess, such as aprons, table covers and tidying-up resources, as well as a range of containers and utensils, which can help contain the mess and influence a child's explorations. Some containers can inspire avenues of inquiry or highlight possibilities, while utensils can enable children who would struggle to touch messy materials, to actively get involved as well as introducing opportunities for exploring science, problem solving, entering imaginary worlds and developing physical mastery.
Recipes & Provocations
How we present messy play materials and resources can make a huge difference to the quality of exploration, play and learning to emerge.
Messy Play and Material Engagements Webinar
Sue is very excited to be able to share some nuggets of information, tips and approaches to maximising the benefits of messy play in this webinar produced by Spark.
She explains: "My passion for understanding the value and potential of children’s material encounters, or Messy Play, draws on research for my latest book Messy Play in the Early Years – Learning through Material Engagements. In this webinar I invite participants on a messy play journey, covering the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of messy play, exploding some myths, providing curriculum links, tips and ideas for staff reflection."