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Play to Z Ltd

Sensory Tales, Stories & Puppets

Storytelling is vital for children developing attachment and connection with caregivers as well as promoting language and writing and igniting an interest in the world. Our fabulous range of Sensory Tales offers fantastic stories from around the world with carefully selected puppets, instruments and sensory treasures ready for immediate use. Packed with natural musical instruments, sensory-rich artefacts and countless activity ideas, these quality sets are perfect for use in the home, settings and schools to bring the EYFS, KS1 and KS2 to life.

The inspiration for Sensory Tales came from discovering Laurie Krebb’s wonderful story of travel along the ancient Silk Road. As Creative Director Sue Gascoyne explains, ‘I read this with my two children aged 4 and 7 and their delight in the story and it’s rich melodious refrain was obvious. The story not only held their attention but they both actively participated as well. Our research sadly identified a demise in mixed-age play with children increasingly playing with their peers. These strong and exciting stories, sensory-rich artefacts and countless activity ideas have the potential to appeal across the ages, making them a ‘must have’ resource.’


If budget won't stretch to these fabulous Sensory Tales, you can buy these wonderful story books and add your own resources and bag. 

Storytelling and make-believe doesn't just come from books and some children find books intimidating or associate these with work or shame. If you're supporting a child for whom story books don't currently bring joy then our Make-Believe Collection could be a great way of igniting a love of stories and sparking an interest in books...